10 March 2008

...And Science wins!!

Not shockingly (to those not so close to the situation) but Bill Foster won the 14th Congressional District seat to replace Dennis Hastert on Saturday, March 8th, 2008. Jim Oberweis is now a 4-time loser (this, being the first running outside of his own party) and should probably take the hint and save some of his millions of dollars that he has.

This really is a stunner for Kane County and shows how horrible November could be for the Republicans in general. Final tally had it a 53/47 percent victory, a spread of 6%.

I'm sure, since these two put on the gloves and go back at it again in November, that every single vote Bill Foster makes is going to be over-analyzed and brought up. I just don't know if Oberweis is going to be excited to be a five-time loser. With the Presidential election also in November, and with the winds of "change" blowing very forcefully, I can't see Foster choking this up, but one never knows. Only time will tell.

I just missed Bill today by about two hours. MK and I had breakfast at the Apple Villa Pancake House and he was there in the morning thanking the voters for electing him.

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