02 August 2007

Al Sharpton's now in Chicago!

I guess all of the ethnic issues in New York City are solved and it's the greatest place on Earth since Al Sharpton has now set up an official office in Chicago for his National Action Network.

Look Al, you've done a great job since the Tawana Brawley issue that thrust you into the national spotlight to ditch the bad sweat suits and jheri curls. You've had semi-successful forays into the Presidential primaries, but now, it seems that the single reason why you're here is because "Mayor Daley has been getting a free pass" and that the Police are out of control.

Al, you have a lot of chutzpah my friend. We have Jesse and Jesse, Jr. already here and if you haven't noticed, one of the leading candidates for President out of the Democratic party is the junior Senator from Illinois. Your move here is a direct afront towards at LEAST Jesse Jr. He's done a great job of being re-elected and honestly, I was floored when he stopped his campaign against Daley for this last election.

Daley unfortunately isn't the problem Al. It's just like any other local government, it's the next tier of idiots who are in charge. Stroger Jr. is an absolutely abomination as Cook County Board President. I just can't stand seeing "Urkel" again on T.V. and he's running the County into the ground. As for the police, the current head, Phil Cline, has stepped down and the interviews for candidates to replace him are just about completed, so honestly, you're too late already.

But, all of this said, you definitely will provide some fun to our local news and for all of the press conferences I'm sure you will hold. Maybe you just want to get a little bit of the glow from Jesse Jr. and Barack, who knows? I look forward to your marches and campaigns against anyone who says bad words on the radio as well. I'll be sure to call in Debbie Wolf from the People Against Censorship to battle you out on that one.

Welcome to Chicago, Al. Be sure to hit Navy Pier on a weekend night, you MUST hit Chicago B.L.U.E.S., Kingston Mines, Harry Caray's, and I can't wait to see you during Bears season, chumming it up with the players. I'm sure this will be an interesting next year or so.

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